
Summer Bingo Printable

May 20, 2017 - Summer Bingo is so easy for all ages to play and enjoy! Grab your Summer Bingo Printables and get started! These summer fun free bingo printables offer a simple way to teach and reinforce goal setting, a valuable life skill that all kids must learn. Making it a game is so much easier for the parent to reinforce the idea of children doing active, good things, instead of just sitting around the house. This includes a stack of library books, board games, coloring books, markers, stickers and this free printable Summer Bingo Game. I put them all in a small basket and wah-la, the end to summer boredom! All you have to do is download and print these free Summer Bingo Printable Cards. There’s no prep work, they’re easily stored, and you can. Summer Bingo Printable. Summer is around the corner and we can’t wait! I’ve put together a summer bingo printable for your students or kiddos at home! This is a fun way to keep track of summer activities you do and challenge you to try some new ones. I have two versions of the bingo printable.

Children who read more grow to be stronger readers. Here’s several tips and a free summer reading bingo printable to get your kids to read more this summer!

With COVID-19 and the emergency schooling-from-home, a lot of parents are understandably worried about their children’s academic skills. The best news is the one activity that’s most helpful to prevent the loss of more skills is to just read.

It is really important to keep your children reading over the summer. Good readers read more often than poor readers because it’s easier for them. But how do we get better at any skill? With practice, of course!

But you’re already exhausted from all the nagging and negotiating with the crisis homeschooling. So you’ll want to figure out fun and easy ways to get your kids to read more this summer.

So what is a parent to do? The fact remains that the more your children read this summer, they better readers they will become.

They will either retain what they’ve learned in school or their reading will improve. Fortunately, there a lots of simple things you can do to get your children to read more this summer.

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Get your kids to read more this summer

There are seven strategies you can rely on to get your children to read more during the summer.

Make it fun

Let reading be fun this summer. Serve snack along with stories or set up a fort so your children can have books and blankets.

Buy a pop-up tent that is dedicated as the reading room or one of those cardboard castles or spaceships as a private reading oasis. Let your child make a fort with blankets over the dining room table and read under there.

Making reading seem like a chore (“write two sentences about this story on this reading log”) is a sure-fire way to keep children from reading more and it’s totally unnecessary if your goals is to get your child to read more.

Offer a wide variety

Try to give choices for many different types of books. This increases your odds on finding a book that hooks your child.

Jim Trelease is the author of theRead Aloud Handbookand an expert in how parents can foster literacy in their children.

According to his research, many lifelong readers find a “home run book… that inspires them to keep reading” (5th edition, p. 137). My home run books were the Little House on the Prairie books and Baby Sitter’s Club series.

The book How to Get Your Child to Love Reading is a 500-page resource for different types, themes, and genres of books that certainly will engage your child. While your local librarian will also have tons of suggestions for you if you ask, this books is a great reference if you want to DIY expand your child’s reading options.

Turn off the screens

Research has shown that children who view more than 10 hours a week of television have lower reading scores than children who watch less than 10 hours (Read Aloud Handbook, 5th edition, p. 197). Thus, there’s a compelling reason to limit screen time besides the risks of childhood obesity.

Also, if you want your kids to read more this summer, there simply needs to be ample time. So turn off the screens so your children get bored.

  • Related: How To Manage Screen Time this Summer – free printable

This daily routine printable is available in the Summer Printable Pack

Schedule it

T o get your kids to read more, schedule it so it is expected. Use a flexible daily schedule so your children know that reading time is just part of the routine.

Even non-reader toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners can “read” by looking at the books. Your older children can read whatever they want during this time (as long as it’s appropriate and fits your values, of course).

Summer Bingo Printable

We have Learning Time as a daily block in our schedule. We mostly play Addition Math Facts board games and do play doh activities to build fine motor strength, but reading is a part of this time, too.

If your child is resistant, make reading time super short at the beginning (like 3-5 minutes) and gradually increase the time.

Have books everywhere

You know the saying, “Out of sight, out of mind?”

It’s true with books, too. If your children only keep their books in their bedroom, that limits access and opportunity.

So make sure you have books all over so your children can read: clear a shelf in the living room, have a basket near the kitchen table, leave some books in the pockets of your car seats.

I model this for my children, too. If my phone is available, I’ll scroll unnecessarily through Facebook.

If I have a novel downstairs in the family room, I’m more likely to pick it up when I need to find some fun in my day.

Read aloud to them

By reading aloud to your child, you have the opportunity to serve as a reading role model for your child.

Your vocabulary and reading skill exceeds your child’s so you’re able to expose your child to books and words that they can’t yet manage independently.

Listening to stories is also pleasurable, and the more your child enjoys it, the more they will want to read themselves.


Listen to audiobooks

Listen to audiobooks on a road trip on Audible. You can get a 30 day free trialright now!

Or go old school and get a CD player and books on CD. We’ve had the CD player pictured for FOUR years so I totally recommend it.

Summer Bingo Printable

Pre-COVID, we’d get books with CDs every time we went to the library and my children will listen to the books independently. This grows their vocabulary and enjoyment at the same time.

With COVID and the library being closed, check out the children’s books on CD available on Amazon. There are tons of Disney read-along books and CDs that are affordable. This is nostaglic for me because I had these on records as a child.

Is it okay for my kid to just read series?

Parents would ask me about this all the time when I taught second grade. “Johnny only wants to read Magic Treehouse books? What can I do?”

Getting hooked on a series is actually a fantastic milestone for independent reading.


The best way to get children to become better readers is to get them to practice. How do we get them to practice? Get them hooked!

Think about what you like to read when you’re on a vacation? Are you digging into War and Peaceor are you reading a best-seller beach read?

There is similar research with comics. If your child loves comics, embrace it.

It is often to a gateway for children into a lifelong passion for reading. So if your kid only wants to read Captain Underpants, do not despair.

Use Reading Incentives to Get Your Kids to Read More

Usually we use the public library for a summer reading program. Our library offers tickets to the local rec center swimming pool and a free book for home as the awards for completing the challenge. The swimming ticket is a big motivator for my children and I leverage it as much as I can.

Since that’s not an option this year, we’re using the printable Summer Reading Bingo. You can come up with an incentive that works for your family.

Maybe when your children all get 5 in a row, you’ll get ice cream as a family. My daughter tried to negotiate for new toy and I counter-offered a new book. She agreed!

Free Printable Summer Reading Bingo

Print off either the full color Summer Reading Bingo or the black and white version. Then place it on your fridge or on a clipboard next to wherever your child reads.

Decide if you expect your child to get five in row like traditional bingo, or if you’d like to go for total blackout! Make sure that expectation is clear for your child.

This bingo includes different types of books like read a joke book or read non-fiction book. It includes different types of print like read a magazine or read a cereal box.

The Summer Reading Bingo features different places like read in bed and read at the playground. I tried to choose places that work with social distancing.

It also has different people like read to a grandparent or parent or read to a friend or sibling. You can totally use FaceTime or Zoom for reading aloud!

Summer Bingo Printable Cards


Make reading fun this summer. Everyone has a lot on their mind and you don’t need any more stress.

Get your free Summer Reading Bingo printable here, find some new and favorite books, and enjoy some relaxing reading.

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What are some of your family’s favorite summer activities? My family loves to go to the beach, make summer crafts, visit a local waterpark or play outdoor games together. We also enjoy playing this fun Family Summer Bingo Game!

Do you ever get tired of hearing your kids say “I’m bored” during summer vacation? I do! My kids are experts at it! Printable games are wonderful for keeping kids off their devices and help fight the summer boredom blues.

While it’s important for kids to have down-time so they can learn how to entertain themselves when they’re bored, it’s also useful to provide them with some games and activities to help them along. There’s actually a name for this. It’s called guided play, a form of play where children explore within an environment that has been prepared by adults.

Bingo Games Free Printable

On the surface, guided play often looks like free play, so it can be difficult to tell them apart just by watching what children are doing. In guided play, adults choose play materials that encourage a certain kind of exploration, or ask open-ended questions at key moments to help shape children’s choices or push children to think about what they are doing.

I like to put together a bunch of easy activities for those moments when my kids have ‘nothing to do’. This includes a stack of library books, board games, coloring books, markers, stickers and this free printable Summer Bingo Game. I put them all in a small basket and wah-la, the end to summer boredom!

All you have to do is download and print these free Summer Bingo Printable Cards. There’s no prep work, they’re easily stored, and you can use all sorts of trinkets for the board pieces. Since it’s summer themes, I think these popsicle erasers, flamingo candy and beach ball stickers are perfect!

Heck, you could even take this Summer Family Bingo Game along with you on a road trip or use as a quick time-filler at a stop over.


Summer Bingo Printable

This Summer Bingo Game can be printed in black and white, but they do look really fun with that ‘pop’ of summer color. You can download them here!

Summer Fun Printable Bingo

Happy Summer!

Free Printable Summer Bingo Cards
